Collage Events
The Centre for Fine Print Research in association with the London Centre For Books Arts has organised a day of presentations and discussions focused on collage making and artists’ books – to be held on 14 August 2020. The tickets for this have now all been allocated – however – the event will be archived and can be viewed at
Colloquium Films
Four collagists – Jeremy Dixon – Jean McEwan – Jeff Rathermel, and myself have been invited to discuss their work and to take questions from an online audience and have each made a film about our collage work – these have already been uploaded to the same website.
Lockdown Collages
During Lockdown I made, and continue to make large collages. Unable to source material from the usual charity shops, I made use of all the various books and magazines I have collected over the years. I also decided that I would just start and see where these took me in terms of their content, rather than set out to create something planned out – which I do when making my books. The first collage Scenes From An Unmade Film was influenced by the films I was watching by – Bella Tarr – Visconti – Pasolini – and in particular Tarkovsky’s Andrei Rublev – the work of Peter Breugel, and The Stories Of The Desert Fathers, painted circa 1420, by Fra Angelico. This collage measures 24 x 72 inches. The second collage The Tower measures 96 x 23 inches, and the third, with a provisional title of Solari’s Hotel, 78 x 30 inches. These are made with black and white, and sepia toned images. I also made two smaller works collaged with images in colour. My film includes a filmed narration of the first two collages, as the camera roves over the surface of the collages.
Details of Large Collages . . .